Check out clips from the DVDs:
Yosemite | Death Valley | Canyonlands-Arches | Great Smoky Mountains
Outdoor Photographer magazine (Jan 06) called it: "Yosemite in your DVD player".
One of the things I love about Steve's DVDs is that you really feel like you're there, at one of his workshops, right along with the other shooters, but of course, since Steve's talking directly to you, you actually have more access than you would if you were there. The production quality is first rate; the locations awe inspiring, and he turns you onto to places that you'd probably never find on your own (which is one of the secrets to getting the kind of photos that everybody hasn't already seen a million times). Highly recommended!
-Scott Kelby
Editor and Publisher, Photoshop User magazine
Order the series today! |
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Steve Kossack: Photographing the Great American Landscape is a great new concept in its presentation of the excitement and wonder of photographing scenic locations. With the maps and locations provided in these beautiful DVD's, they can be used as a step-by-step guide for a full photo expedition, or a casual reference as a travelogue. Whether to relive your previous experience in these great places, or to plan your first trip, you'll want this as a planner, guide and inspiration for your next visit. You'll watch these DVD's over and over!
In the fourth and latest issue of the DVD series, SteveKossack - Photographing the Great American Landscape, viewers will witness and enjoy one of the great spectacles of nature through the eyes of landscape photographers. “Great Smoky Mountains National Park in fall color is awonderful place to be”, says Kossack. This DVD is meant to show you just that. It will also help guide you to some great photography locations while teaching you a bit about the locations along the way. Learn How, When and Where to see and photograph this wonderful place as we tag along with Steve and his f/8 And Be There workshop. During a lengthy shoot of this marvelous area they exploresome of the known as well as hidden areas of the park. Follow the maps and your imagination through the wondrous photographiclocations of Cades Cove, Grotto Falls, Clingmans Dome, The Blue Ridge Parkway and many other lesser known locations in this informative DVD. See and learn strategy for landscape photography in the field as it actually takes place! This is the DVD towatch whether you are planning a trip to the area or just want to enjoy The Great Smoky Mountains as a scenic treasure! No matter what your interest there is something here for everyone! This DVD is both a photographic shoot and an adventure! See the clips
Canyonlands/Arches: See this vast southern Utah wilderness through the eyes of a photographer and learn the How, When and Where's of this fascinating landscape. Tag along with Steve Kossack and his f/8 and Be There field photography workshop as they cover some of the most known, as well as hidden treasures, of both Canyonlands and Arches National Parks.
Experience the magic of False Kiva, one of the best and most well hidden photographic locations of the entire plateau. See and learn strategies for sunrise at a remote location near Island in the Sky as well as sunrise at the world famous Mesa Arch. Enjoy the treasures of Arches National Park's Turret Arch and Park Avenue. Join the shoot as a full moon rises over the La Sal range and thrill to the exuberance and exhilaration of the hike into False Kiva.
This is the DVD to watch if you are planning a photographic shoot or a simple sight seeing trip. Complete with maps and directions to locations, this insightful issue will let you experience Canyonlands and Arches as both photographer and adventurer. See some short clips from the Canyonlands/Arches DVD. Order today.
Yosemite: In this issue, tag along with landscape photographer Steve Kossack on one of his f/8 and Be There workshops. On this trip you'll learn the how, when and where of photographing Yosemite Valley, a place Steve likes to call "the greatest seven miles on the planet."
This DVD features sunrise and sunset shoots, hikes through the famous Yosemite Valley, and great gear tips that every photographer should know. There are web links to maps, equipment, and workshop information. And be sure to check out the photo gallery full of Steve's favorite Yosemite images.
If you're planning a trip, looking for gear tips, or just want to view the magnificent beauty of Yosemite, THIS IS THE DVD TO WATCH! See some short clips from the Yosemite DVD.
Death Valley: In this latest edition of the DVD series, you'll tag along with landscape photographer Steve Kossack on another one of his f/8 and Be There workshops. On this trip you'll learn the how, when and where of photographing Death Valley, a place Steve calls "the hottest, driest and windiest place on the planet."
Travel with us to the lowest point in the lower 48 states to well over 6,000 feet above the valley floor as we photograph the famous dunes, Badwater, and of course the Racetrack where rocks move mysteriously over the landscape.
If you are planning a trip to Death Valley or just want to watch the magnificent beauty of Death Valley, this is the photography and travelogue DVD to watch. See some short clips from the Death Valley DVD. Now Available order Today!
Thanks for the dvds, they are great! When will the next one be, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Park ? Please let me know when the new one is available. ... Robert Tong
Your latest DVD covering the Great Smokey Mountains may be the best in your DVD series. What's next? ...Gary Faulkenberry
Last summer I bought your Death Valley DVD to use as a guide. My children's book publisher sent me out West to shoot a series of books on the national parks. Thanks again for sharing your expertise; many of your tips were invaluable. I only wish I'd had more than a day and a half in the park. Next time I hope to go there for vacation, and stay at least a week. The place is magnificent for photos! .... John Hamilton
Just received the latest in the DVD series. Love the DVD and some of the different locations in the Smokies. Keep the DVDs coming. For those working it is a great way to escape and dream of the time making photographs in those places. I own the entire collection and recommend it to other photographers... James Saxon
I got the Great Smoky’s DVD last week. It brought back lots of memories. I enjoyed seeing your images. There are still setups and shots that just don’t seem obvious to me in the field, but when I see your results I am impressed. My wife and I watched it together. She not only thought the Smoky’s were beautiful, but she said, “I can see why you go on these trips.” It will be a great reference for me when I take her back there. It would be a great resource for anyone planning a trip there. Thanks again for a great workshop and for the DVD... Dr. Jeffrey Johnson
I received my copy of the Great Smoky Mountain DVD today, had to sit right down and watch it. It’s wonderful. Having been on a few workshops with you before, it’s just like being there. I appreciate the explanation of the filters. That’s a great addition! As with the previous 3 DVD’s, great job!! Makes me look forward to my next opportunity to “f8 and be there” with you. You know, you never really do take us anywhere good to shoot. ;-) ... Janel Randall
I remain a great fan and appreciate your enthusiasm, information, instruction and simple quality of your DVDs. I continue to watch all three of your previous DVDs for inspiration and look forward to adding this fourth Great Smoky Mountains DVD to my collection. Please keep me informed of your future endeavors, DVDs and your upcoming Great American Landscape adventures. Maybe someday I can join you on one of your workshops ... Until then, I will continue to be a fan, review your Internet and email correspondence and watch your awesome DVDs ....Stephan Dietrich
We just self-published a table book, FROM ROCK TO SAND: DEATH VALLEY LANDSCAPES. I mention this because the book was drawn from the trip I mentioned earlier, based largely on the great suggestions in your DV DVD. Without the guidance offered in your video, we could have never covered so much of the vast DV park with such ease. Thanks again and best regards ...Marcus Reinkensmeyer
Thank you very much for putting together a great DVD of Death Valley. I found it very useful on my recent trip. I look forward to more travels and more of your DVDs. Thanks! ... Joe Capra
My Death Valley DVD arrived today. Thanks for getting that out so quickly. I watched it this afternoon, and was mighty impressed. I'll be going into the park with a lot more confidence now. And even if I don't get a trophy photo, I know I'll see some beautiful sights! ... John Hamilton
Thanks to your DVD, I had a very productive day the one day I had in Death Valley. You may recall we met twice that day: in the morning in the parking lot at Zabriskie Point, and again at Devil's Golf course about mid-day. My work had me in Las Vegas during the week, but I escaped to do some photography over the weekend. Death Valley is a beautiful place in a bizarre sort of way, and this was probably the ideal time of year to see it. If I'd had more time I'd have joined your workshop. Perhaps next time that will work out and I'll get to the dunes, Aguereberry Point, and the Racetrack. But I did come back with some nice images. Thanks again ... Jim Huber
I have purchased all 3 of your DVD's. Each one is an excellent source of information and a lot of fun to watch. Are you planning a fourth DVD? Thanks and keep up the good work.
.....Gary Faulkenberry
Yes Santa delivered the DVD! Just finished watching it, fantastic, this is the best yet! ... Dave Whelan
Wow, great job on the DVD - your best work to date! I really liked how you spent a lot more time on this one explaining what you were seeing, how you were seeing it, and how you wanted to approach it. I also like the animated maps.... Paul Beiser
I received the Canyonlands DVD yesterday and watched it end to end last night. This is by far the best effort yet - even my non-photographer wife was held spellbound as the images
and techniques and locations were shown. Steve imparts a lot of knowledge in a low
key style - including some descriptions of how he approached the scene, how he composed
and selected what to include and exclude, as well as the usual technical descriptions of depth of field and filter specifics. 2 thumbs way up! ... Robert Von Mayr
Thank you for offering these DVDs. I am anticipating yet another great F8 and Be There adventure. I purchased both of your Death Valley and Yosemite DVDs earlier this year, they are both simply amazing and filled with great photographic information, history and inspiration.
Death Valley DVD: I purchased your Death Valley DVD prior to going on our D.V. trip in April of this year (2006) ... After watching your DVD (including: tips, history, suggestions and such) ... and then going there ... it was as if we had been there before. I look forward to returning to D.V. in the future and will most definitely continue to watch your DVD to be inspired.
Yosemite DVD: Even though I have been to Yosemite many times since the early 70's, your DVD enhanced my appreciation for Yosemite Valley and offered information that I did not know. Congratulations on capturing the Horsetail Falls image.
Steve --- Just a quick note of appreciation for your truly excellent Death Valley video. We made the trek last Spring, following many of your suggestions from the video. Our trip planning and days in the valley were all the better, due to your highly informative video. Thanks again... Marcus Reinkensmeyer
I have watched both of these DVDs many times and have highly recommended them to others. I have no doubt that your Canyonlands DVD will be the same. I look forward to receiving it.
One of these days I just might have the time to go on one of your workshops. Until then, I will continue to be a fan, be inspired from your DVDs and in this pre-order, I am anticipating yet another great F8 and Be There adventure. Thank you for all of your hard work and efforts to bring the Great American Landscape closer to home. Keep up the great work ... Stephan Dietrich
I’ve enjoyed both your DVD’s and I know I’ve gotten a great deal out of them. I found your DVD’s to be informative and full of photographic insights. Particularly, certain aspects of photographing and visiting Death Valley are clear that were a mystery before. Others seem to use their DVD’s to tell you how much they know, while you try to impress on viewers how much they can learn. Your DVD series is the next best thing to being there and attending the workshop! ... Michael Worley
I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your Death Valley DVD. My brother and I are going to Death Valley a about a week and a half and neither of us have been there before. Your DVD is awesome and after watching it several times, I feel as if I know how to get around and what to look for. I'm looking forward to getting some great shots myself! ...Wolf Dietrich
I am a photographer from Spain. I am very interested in landscapes and Death Valley is my favorite place in the world! I have never been there but I will go soon, so your DVD is very helpful in preparation of my trip. I have bought your two DVD (Yosemite and Death Valley) and I have enjoyed them very much. Thank you very much and I hope to continue enjoying your photography and DVD's.... Rafa Irusta
My son and I visited Yosemite last year and the year before. He is getting more seriously interested in photography. I thought the DVD series would be a good way to help him assimilate some new techniques. Thanks ... John Shepherd
I just wanted to let you know that the Death Valley DVD is great. I just came back from four full days there and the DVD was very valuable for knowing where to go and when to be there. I really got some great digital images and I'm waiting to see the results from my new Toyo 4x5. Overall it was a fantastic trip and I owe much of my success to your DVD...Mike McNelly
I thoroughly enjoyed your DVD and, to quote from the American Express ads, "I never leave home without it" as you saw firsthand today in Yosemite! ... Chuck Cagara
Note: Chuck indeed had the Yosemite in Winter DVD box in hand as he introduced himself!
I got the Death Valley DVD today. Had to watch it as soon as I got it. Wonderful video! You do such a good job of explaining everything and giving a sense of being there. What a wonderful workshop. Great pictures!!! Thank you!! ... Janel Randall
Thank you very much !!! I am delighted by the great news of the release of the Death Valley DVD . I thoroughly enjoyed viewing and listening to your Yosemite in Winter DVD. I am fortunate that I could visit Yosemite and Death Valley while living in Alberta in the mid 90's, so these DVD's have an added and special meaning to me.
Thanks again ... Santiago Schaerer (Switzerland)
"Upon my return from a vacation in Maine I found the box with the DVD. I immediately proceeded to watch it and enjoy it. I have to tell you that the images I have in my mind this morning are not the ones of Maine but the ones of Yosemite. BRAVO! Keep the DVD's coming!" ... Fiamma Zanelli
"I'll echo what I bet a bunch of others are already saying - Bravo! The DVD is excellent - informative, entertaining, well put together (and packaged) and educational. I really like the way you used the map locations to separate the segments. The music is top notch as well. I'm looking forward to future editions." ... Bill Langton
"Steve- Got your DVD and thought it was great. Very well produced and a pleasure to watch." ... Alex Goetsch
"The DVD shares and reveals some of Steve’s accumulated wisdom, knowledge, and insight that he has developed and gleaned over the years. This is everything from what he looks for and reacts to in the landscape, to details about exposure, to information about where to be in a particular place in Yosemite and why, and more!" .... Paul Beiser
"Got the DVD today, just watched it and felt like I was back there! Excellent well done!" ... Mike Ruegg
"I have to say that the DVD was really great. The production team did a great job with the video and I am even more anxious to sign up for your next workshop. Your comments and pointing out places to shoot is very good. I think that it is a great video for a photographer who as never been to Yosemite, and would like to get an idea of when and where to shoot before going there. Comparing it to the Luminous Landscape DVD; I like yours a lot better." ... Jeff Schweiger
"I must say you have done a great job of putting together this DVD. I really like the content, the separated topic's (Locations). You have made what is a very difficult task look so simple, simplicity is the key. The only fault that I have is that I was not there." .... Leslie Oglesby
" I received the DVD tonight and just got done watching it.. WELL DONE…
Having Yosemite just an hour away from home I tend to go there quite a lot, and have developed ( no pun intended ) quite an affection for the park. Your DVD shows the park at it’s best, snow on the peaks and the meadows starting to come back to life." ... Ed Hughes
"It (the DVD) arrived yesterday afternoon, very nice packaging by the way. I really like the use of the map as an intro to the various segments. Your still shots are just great, especially the ones in the first segment, I feel I've gotten a ton of hints on composition just from seeing them." ... Kevin Gallagher
"I was very pleased with the quality, content and its professionalism. Definitely a winner!" .... Matt Schlotzhauer
"I Am looking at your DVD, overall great. Your explanations are just what your audience needed, i.e. folks like me. Very relaxed but purposeful…good tempo." ... Greg Hohner
""Received your DVD and have viewed it once so far. Wow, what a nice production! Getting "the shot" of Horsetail Falls must have been a thrill! " ... Frank Lister